Friday, June 24, 2011

Incredible Hulks Annual #1

Story by
John Layman
Art by
Al Barrionuevo, Mark Pennington
Colors by
Fabio D'Auria
Cover by
Steve McNiven, Mark Morales, Marte Gracia
Marvel Comics
Cover Price:
Release Date
Wed, June 29th, 2011
In the exciting conclusion to the trip to another dimension, (that began in the Spider-Man and Deadpool Annuals) BRUCE BANNER finally discovers why he can’t turn into the Hulk in this world. He thought he’d found the perfect place—but there’s one doppelganger we haven’t met yet. And when the alternate-universe Hulk emerges, will Banner, Spidey and Deadpool be enough to stop him?

Friday, June 17, 2011


Again my colors for the TBolts, complete preview HERE

Story by
Jeff Parker, Joe Caramagna, Jen Van Meter, [more...]
Art by
Declan Shalvey, Valentine De Landro, Eric Canete, [more...]
Colors by
Frank Martin, Chris Sotomayor, Fabio D'Auria
Letters by
Comicraft - Albert Deschesne, Dave Sharpe
Cover by
Kev Walker, Frak Martin
Marvel Comics
Cover Price:
Release Date
Wed, June 22nd, 2011

Thursday, June 09, 2011

ParmaFantasy 2011

Sabato dal pomeriggio sarò presente alla aggiornata fiera Parmense che da quest'anno ha aperto i cancelli ai Comics, mi troverete allo stand THZ

collettivo di cui faccio parte e che verrà rappresentato in fiera anche da un illustratore fantasy.

Ci troverete artbook, libri, stampe e per tutti e 2 i giorni saremo a disposizione per disegni su commissione, bianco e nero, colore o anche dipinti.

Passate a trovarci.